Getting started


Our worker component, Riklet, is currently only available for Linux systems with a x86_64 architecture.

Install packages required to build the project:

  • Ubuntu: sudo apt update && sudo apt install libssl-dev protobuf-compiler
  • Fedora: sudo dnf update && sudo dnf install openssl-devel protobuf-compiler protobuf-devel

Clone the project

Start by cloning the project using Git:

git clone

Start a cluster

Using Docker

docker compose up

Build from source

Be aware that each component of the project is a separate binary, and that you need to execute them in a specific order.

Build all components of the project

cargo build --release

Start the scheduler in a terminal

cargo run --release --bin scheduler

Start the controller in a terminal

DATABASE_LOCATION=~/.rik/data cargo run --release --bin controller

Start the worker in a terminal

sudo ./target/release/riklet

If you experience any issue, please refer to the troubleshooting, if you can't find a solution, please open an issue.

Create your first workload

Create a definition of your workload

Create a workload using example in examples/workload-1.json:

# Create an alpine container workload
RIKCONFIG=docs/src/examples/config.json cargo run \
  --bin rikctl -- create workload \
  --file docs/src/examples/workloads/workload-1.json

# The ID of the workload is returned, it will be useful next
# Workload alpine has been successfully created with ID : "0e4c1da4-0277-4088-9f37-8f445cbe8e46"

Deploy an instance

Based on your workload ID you can now deploy an instance:

# Please replace the following value with the ID of your workload
export WORKLOAD_ID=0e4c1da4-0277-4088-9f37-8f445cbe8e46

RIKCONFIG=docs/src/examples/config.json cargo run \
  --bin rikctl -- create instance \
  --workload-id ${WORKLOAD_ID}

Check your instance

You should now see your instance running:

RIKCONFIG=examples/config.json cargo run \
  --bin rikctl -- get instances


You can configure a remote cluster by setting the RIKCONFIG environment variable to the path of a configuration file. Here is an example of configuration:

  "cluster": {
    "name": "default",
    "server": ""